The Life of a NAT Manager

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The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by NPD-PowerBug » Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:38 am

Hey all,

As part of the overall goals within FTP we want to raise the profile and engagement in NATs, and a couple of weeks ago something came to mind. There's probably an overwhelming majority of people who have no idea what NATs involves, and what screens they get to see which is different to standard club management.

So I will be posting a range of long read paragraphs relating to the different stages of a NAT management cycle. I will be posting to the following criteria:
  1. Elections
  2. NAT Page Overview
  3. The Squad
    1. Selecting a squad
    2. Making squad changes
  4. Tour week
    1. Bidding for tours
    2. Picking a squad of 18
    3. Managing tour week
  5. Friendlies
The series will not just be a wall of text, I intend to show screenshots of the actual pages that I do use. I will not post screenshots of players without permission of the manager.

I hope that this series is insightful for people who want to understand how NATs work. I hope that it can encourage managers to join NAT communities and in turn, grow this side of the game :)

PowerBug Image

Note: I am aware that there's possible changes to NATs floated, and I will come back and adjust this when/if any changes do come in to play.
Club Links: The Bunker Bugs in Image, Buggles United (Home Grown) in Image.
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by NPD-PowerBug » Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:38 am

1. Elections
So this is where it all begins, election week. Happens in Week 1 of each season, alternating whether it's youths or seniors. Well, not quite. It's easy to believe it begins here, but it actually begins whenever you want it to begin. That could be today. Why you ask? Well...

How to be Popular
The title explains essentially what is required. Other managers who are voting need to know who you are, they need to see you or your team(s) around the place. And it needs to be seen well before you decide to run. Doing any of the following for one week, or one season, will not be enough proof for some. There's a few ways you can do this, they all have their own pros and cons. I am sorry in advance that this is going to feel like you need to prepare for a job interview, but many of the things do translate across to this.

A. Picking a nation and sticking to it
A simple thing that someone can do is make their club side have players from the one nation, whoever you choose to want to support. It's obviously easiest with youth pulls but if you don't have membership you can make it work by using the transfer market. Having around 50% of a club side from one particular nation will hold you in a positive light when someone then sees that you are running for that nation. "At least they support this nation" - your average FTP election voter, probably.

Note: Whilst it's preferable to also run in the same nation you choose here, that's not a complete barrier to entry.

B. Run your club side excellently
This is self-explanatory. In addition to managers seeing if you have a national preference in the way you run your club side, if they see that you are routinely in the top 2 divisions if not a consistent Div 1 winning manager then that will also sit well with voters. It shows you have at least a basic understanding of the game mechanics and have been able to stick to the game to at least beat some other seasoned managers.

It's also slightly better if you can show good youth results for a U20 election, and senior results for the senior election.

C. Be seen
Use the forums, use the discord. If people see your username, knowing who you are and knowing your character is likely a positive thing. When I'm not starting wars in the NAT channel (Don't mess with the middle east guys, seriously, we're gonna win eventually), use it to talk about your nation of choice, some of the good players and match situation.

I really can't talk up the discord enough. The forums still hold a place in my heart especially for long posts like these, but for the quick chat, the quick message and question, use the discord. Contribute amongst the league channels, schedule friendlies vs teams you wouldn't otherwise play. Also, you'll find that the boss answers questions more openly on discord, you might get some interesting information out of him. :whip

D. Volunteer
This ties in a little bit with all of the above. See if you can get involved on your own accord. For example, it took no official title for Moose to do often daily writeups of UAE U20 matches (C. Be Seen). It has resulted in a U20 assistant spot (so far, who knows what else is to occur). There's also plenty of vacant NAT assistant spots (A. Pick a nation). Being involved with an already established manager gets you to see the workings of a NAT scene more intimately than what any explanation can do, even this one. Also you might get some good tips on how to set up orders for matches and good bowling combinations (B. Run your club side excellently).

But this is where I will call out the existing managers. Do your part, get someone new involved. Even if it's just to shadow the way you operate. Also go find someone yourselves, don't wait for someone to ask you. I would argue though that every nation should have an idea of their future stars, and they should message the managers of those players, maybe once every two seasons just to give an update. I can guarantee that under half of the 18 nations do this consistently. Get an enthusiastic assistant in to compile your list for you, show them around, engage in discord conversation. Doing a NAT role is more than a one person job if you want it to be, so why not play a part in growing the game :)

And on a personal sidenote, shoutout to radar who I am crediting for his work in the last OD tour for the UAE. In case it wasn't known, we won it Image

Election Week
There's not really much to say about election week itself, the work is done before hand. All that is required in election week is the ability to convey your above achievements and learnings into a forum post. It's a requirement to have one anyway, but posting one outlining what you've done is only going to help you out, especially if there's positive things which have occurred.

Next up: NAT page overview
Club Links: The Bunker Bugs in Image, Buggles United (Home Grown) in Image.
Image UAE U20 Assistant: S46-S48 Image UAE Senior Manager: S51-Current
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by NPD-PowerBug » Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:38 am

2. NAT Page Overview
Whoops, it's been a while.

Straight into it, here's what the UAE home page looks like to me when I load it as the NAT manager.

So there's a few things you'll notice which is different and I'll begin going through them:

A. The NAT sign in the toolbar
A simple one to start, this button button takes you straight to the home page of the national team you are the manager or the assistant for. Unfortunately there's no quick link to the other side (e.g. in my case UAE U20) from your nation.

B. The Menu bar
There's a few extra options here to the normal page.
  • Club - Home page
  • Manager, Matches - Same as Club pages
  • Tours - You go here to bid on tours and to select a touring party of 18. More about that in Part 4.
  • Squad - Go here to marvel at the 30 player squad at your disposal. This is the page where you can remove players from the squad
  • Ground - There's a page which loads here but outside of naming the stadium and bowling ends there's no need to use this
  • Stats Centre, Club History, Trophies - Same as Club pages.
  • Player Search - This is the fun part. Managers and assistants can view the skills of every player in their nation, just need to use a search screen (much like you do in the transfer market) to have a look. This is where you can add players to the 30 player squad. More on this in Part 3.
  • Assistants - Go here to add/remove assistants and also to edit the permissions you can give them
  • Challenges, Downloads - Same as Club pages
  • Mail Clubs - Allows you to send a bulk mail to every manager who has a player in your current 30 player squad.
C. Front and Centre Info
  • Rating points - This is an accumulation of points from tour weeks. You get 2 points for a win, 1 for a draw, 0 for a loss. Also get 10 points if you're in Div 1 for a tour and 5 points if in Div 2 for a tour.
  • Ranking - Simply using the rating points for each format and ranking the nations. The top 12 qualify for World Cups
  • Banked Rating points - This is a numerical value used to bid on tour pitches. It will be explained in more depth in the tour bidding process. I have hidden the value because it's a value which our competitors would have some interest in knowing.
D. Assistants

Here's what the assistant tab looks like. As you can see there's multiple permissions which you as a NAT manager can grant/remove from your assistants. If you're giving someone a go but aren't 100% sure on trust yet (very natural to do this), you can deny some of these permissions. If you need someone super hands on as your availability is low, give them full access. Just remember, whoever saves orders last is to blame :P
Club Links: The Bunker Bugs in Image, Buggles United (Home Grown) in Image.
Image UAE U20 Assistant: S46-S48 Image UAE Senior Manager: S51-Current
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by NPD-PowerBug » Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:38 am

3. The Squad
A. Squad Page
Here's a preview of what the squad page looks like, only showing one player who has skills revealed anyway.
Very similar to club pages, nothing to be scared of here :) The [remove] button is there to take someone out of the 30 player squad.

B. Making Squad Changes
As said in Part 2, we get access to a search bar similar to that you see on the transfer market. This is the way to add players to the 30 player squad. You will need to remove a player first (look a 3A above) before adding one in if there's already 30 in the squad.

The little [add] button on the right will do the trick (This is my player so I'm happy to share the skills out there). We can't sort by wage, and the wage we search by is the discounted wage, which can be confusing when there's up to a 12% discount applied to a player.

And that's pretty much all there is to the squad. You generally want 30 players who can make an impact if the pitches for a tour suit them.
Club Links: The Bunker Bugs in Image, Buggles United (Home Grown) in Image.
Image UAE U20 Assistant: S46-S48 Image UAE Senior Manager: S51-Current
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by NPD-PowerBug » Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:39 am

4. Tours
Tours are the main part of the FTP NAT Manager job. There are 3 tours weeks per season, two OD and one T20. For seniors this occurs in Weeks 5, 8 (T20), 11 and for U20s it's Weeks 6, 9 (T20), 12.

I like to consider each tour its own cycle which spans 4 weeks. In short these are:
A - Bid for hosting rights
B - Squad selection
C - Scouting opposition
D - Managing the actual matches.

Outside of the last one, the rest of these can be as little as a 5 minute task, but if you really want to you can take a lot more time into it. I'll give a breakdown on each of these 4 weeks now.

A. Bidding for hosting rights
The first part in the process is to bid for hosting rights. Each tour is hosted by a nation who bids for it, and that nation gets to choose the 3 pitches that matches get played on. At the start of the bidding week everyone gets an in game message reminding them it's time to bid. Clicking the tours button on the left of the home page gets us to the list of tours where we can see old squads, or in this case click the bid button to take us to the bidding screen.

And then we get to bid. Banked Rating points are apparently explained in this post. I'll be honest I'm not 100% over how it all works and when I read the post I'm not convinced that the content provided is correct but this is all I have to work with.

On this page you can bid a certain amount of points, whoever bids the highest gets hosting rights and pitch combo. It locks at 00:00 the following Sunday and you can change it up as many times as you wish before then. My vibes suggest that anything above say 800 points is considered a big bid.

There's a few reasons to bid for a tour. Most commonly it's because you have certain strength you want to enhance, or certain weaknesses you want to avoid. It's also possible that you will bid to try and cause some chaos (e.g. pick a random assortment of pitches) which might make squad selection tougher. Another very small reason is simply that you want the games played in a certain timezone and not at a the worst possible time for you. If you want to spend more time during this week you can scout the 30 player squads of the other 5 teams in your division and see if there's anything worth targeting or not. With unlimited resources I would want our management team to do this, but the return on investment is quite small so scouting in this week is not anywhere near the top priority.

B. Squad Selection

C. Scouting/Waiting/Preparation week

D. Managing tour week matches
Club Links: The Bunker Bugs in Image, Buggles United (Home Grown) in Image.
Image UAE U20 Assistant: S46-S48 Image UAE Senior Manager: S51-Current
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by NPD-PowerBug » Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:39 am

Club Links: The Bunker Bugs in Image, Buggles United (Home Grown) in Image.
Image UAE U20 Assistant: S46-S48 Image UAE Senior Manager: S51-Current
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by NPD-PowerBug » Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:39 am

Club Links: The Bunker Bugs in Image, Buggles United (Home Grown) in Image.
Image UAE U20 Assistant: S46-S48 Image UAE Senior Manager: S51-Current
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by NPD-PowerBug » Tue Jun 20, 2023 9:39 am

Club Links: The Bunker Bugs in Image, Buggles United (Home Grown) in Image.
Image UAE U20 Assistant: S46-S48 Image UAE Senior Manager: S51-Current
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by MrMoose » Sun Jun 25, 2023 6:32 am

Think this is wonderful Bug - would also be super keen to get various perspectives from both Youth and Senior Nat Managers (if that's possible) - spread from a wide range of nations would be a really interesting read as well (if managers are happy to contribute some paragraphs).
Just here to contribute a few cracking commentary lines and spend hours on the transfer market.

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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by MOD-quirkilyalive » Sun Jun 25, 2023 10:40 am

oh yes definitely happy to help with the thread in whatever way you'd like if needed pb
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by Muff » Mon Jun 26, 2023 2:14 am

Great Idea SquishyBug
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by NPD-PowerBug » Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:53 pm

Thanks guys. Will have the first article up this weekend :)
Club Links: The Bunker Bugs in Image, Buggles United (Home Grown) in Image.
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by boscorp » Wed Jun 28, 2023 12:03 am

NPD-PowerBug wrote:
Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:53 pm
Thanks guys. Will have the first article up this weekend :)
I think this is a great idea and will go a long way to attracting more to be involved in Nationals. Most managers are overwhelmed at the thought of being a Nat Manager or Assistant and dispelling a few of the myths like having to dedicate all your spare time into selecting squads and tactics to be any good at it should help and attract more involvement.
Getting involved is a great way to improve your management skills, get a better understanding of player development and get involved with the community.
South Africa U19 Manager seasons 38-41.
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by NPD-PowerBug » Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:31 am

Took a while sorry, but the first post is up now. Would love to hear some thoughts and obviously any additions people have. I'll either embed quotes into the paragraphs or I'll post them at the bottom of the post so they're also not lost in this forum thread.

The first one is a bit tedious and the least fun, but it's the most important. Once you're in, the fun really starts :)
Club Links: The Bunker Bugs in Image, Buggles United (Home Grown) in Image.
Image UAE U20 Assistant: S46-S48 Image UAE Senior Manager: S51-Current
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Re: The Life of a NAT Manager

Post by boscorp » Sat Oct 21, 2023 11:41 pm

NPD-PowerBug wrote:
Mon Jul 17, 2023 11:31 am
Took a while sorry, but the first post is up now. Would love to hear some thoughts and obviously any additions people have. I'll either embed quotes into the paragraphs or I'll post them at the bottom of the post so they're also not lost in this forum thread.

The first one is a bit tedious and the least fun, but it's the most important. Once you're in, the fun really starts :)
good reading,is there going to be more?
South Africa U19 Manager seasons 38-41.
Boscorp Cross season 14 - current

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